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Audit and Assurance

We, at NEXIA STT, are using NEXIA International’s audit methodology to service our audit and assurance clients. This methodology is risk based and constructive in performing the audit in order to ensure an effective yet efficient audit. Each audit is carried out under the supervision and direct involvement of the firm's partners. In a time of increasing costs we make every effort to minimize charges by maximizing our knowledge of our clients, focusing on key risks and hence reducing unnecessary audit involvement.

This objective is achieved through our personalized approach, as we familiarize ourselves with all aspects of our clients' business and the environment in which they operate, which in turn enables us to plan the nature and timing of the audit to ensure that it is effective and efficient. Audit assignments are tailored to fit each client and are supervised by one or more partners, with fieldwork being carried out under the supervision of qualified managers.

Services include:

  • Statutory audits
  • Limited scope audits and agreed upon procedures
  • International GAAP and specific jurisdiction GAAP audits
  • Due diligence
  • Investigative audits
  • Clearance reports

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